Thursday, 24 August 2017

Lesson 11 - Inserting Audio and Moving Images πŸ™ 🎢

πŸ… For today's lesson, we learned how to add audio and make moving images.

πŸ†There are two ways to insert the audio:

- If you want the same audio/song/soundtrack to be played until the player stop playing the game, insert the audio on the master slide. This will make the audio keep on loop until the end.

- If you only want the audio/sound to come out at a certain time/page, then you can insert the audio directly at the page you wanted it to be played. 

πŸ’ Now we move on to making the images to move. Here is the simple way to do it:

- You will need to have two objects. (One that is in static mode, another one will pop out on the static object.

- The first object can either be an image, button, shape, or even a gif.

- The second object ( that will be animated later ) can be an image, button, shape, gif, text.

- After that, it is up to you to change the percentage of the tranparency, the type of lines, and also the position whether it will be in the front or the back.

πŸƒ That is all for today. There will be more in the next post. πŸƒ

Thanks for reading!

Courseware Planning ☕

πŸ‰ Before we proceed with our e-learning courseware, of course we need to do some planning at first. It is somewhat similar to a lesson plan for teaching. For the courseware plan, we need to have:

- A topic / Title
- Target audience
- Learning outcomes
- Lessons
- Activities 
- And reflection

πŸ€ My group (Myself, Ardani and Syakiran), decided to do on KSSR Year 2, with the topic 'On The Farm'. Below shows our plan:

Topic             : On The Farm ( KSSR Year 2 )

Objective      : By the end of the courseware, pupil will be able to learn about the animals on                                        the farm.

Target            : Primary School pupil ( 8 years old )

Learning Outcome :

                          1) Able to recognise the sounds of the animals 4 out of 5 correctly.

                         2) Able to match the correct pairing of the animals 3 out of 5 correctly.

                         3) Able to spell the name of the animals 4 out of 5 correctly.

Lessons         :   → Pupils read the notes prepared.
                                     → Pupils listen to the animals' sound.

Activities       :  1) Match the animals with their youngs.

                                     2) Choose the correct answer based on the question given.

                                     3) Spell the name of the animals given. 

🌲 In the next post, I will proceed with the SmartBuilder lesson. 🌲

Thanks for reading!

Lesson 10 - Smartbuilder ?

🍟 SmartBuilder is an authoring tool that attempts in balancing ease of use with power. Although it is not as easy to use as PowerPoint and not as powerful as Flash, but is it more powerful than PowerPoint and much easier to learn than Flash is.

🍩 Our final assignment is that we have to do an e-learning courseware using SmartBuilder.

πŸ• Here is the link for SmartBuilder if you want to try using it. You can download the software straight to your PC or laptop. And.... it's free ➣

🌸 For this app, you will need to apply some creativity by creating a 'hyperlink', this is where it uses trigger and action. 

If the mouse pointer click the button, it will take you to another page.

If the mouse pointer hovers at the button, then it will produce a sound or maybe change the picture.

🌡 Long story short, the SmartBuilder works just like attaching lego blocks together. It's colorful and organised. It may get a little confusing at first, but once you get used to it, it's kind of fun to do.

I think that's all for this post. I'll update more about SmartBuilder soon. See you in the next post.

Thanks for reading!

Lesson 9 - Using Canva to Create Blog Title

πŸ‡ Canva is a free graphic-design tool website that was founded in 2012. It is very easy to use. It has a drag-and-drop interface and provides access to over a million ready-made photographs, graphics, and fonts. It is used by non-designers as well as professionals. The tools can be used for both web and print media design and graphics.

🌡 This is the link to the website ➤

- You need to sign in first in order to start your design. If you don't have an account yet, try and sign up for it. Don't worry, it's free πŸ˜‰πŸ‘Œ

🌹 Today, we are going to learn how to create a custamized Blog title using Canva

Okay, now let'start the lesson ✨

1) This is where the you can choose your customized designs. You can choose any size you want. 

2) Add some illustrations, fonts and graphics of your choice. Later, choose the format and download it. And you finally have your own customised blog title.

3) Now you can upload it in your blog. Voila ✨

I like it simple.

🐼 That's it for now. Tune it for the next lesson. Bye 🐼

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Lesson 8: Powtoon ✨

🍩 Powtoon is a web-based animation that can allow you to create animated presentations or videos by controlling pre-created objects, import your own images, provide music and can also add your own voice-overs. 

πŸ‰In class, we learned how to make an educational video using Powtoon. It's also a group assignment assigned for everyone in my class. I'm grouped with 2 other friends of mine, Kiran and Dani.

πŸ† These are the steps on how to make a video using Powtoon:

No. 1 - Go to this link →

No. 2 - Go to Powtoon Homepage

No. 3 - Choose which category you like

No. 4 - Let out your creativity

That's all for now. Oh by the way my group had finished making our educational video. We posted it at our class blog. Do check it out and leave a like button if you like it πŸ˜‰

Lesson 11 - Inserting Audio and Moving Images πŸ™ 🎢

πŸ… For today's lesson, we learned how to add audio and make moving images. πŸ† There are two ways to insert the audio : - I...