Thursday, 24 August 2017

Lesson 10 - Smartbuilder ?

🍟 SmartBuilder is an authoring tool that attempts in balancing ease of use with power. Although it is not as easy to use as PowerPoint and not as powerful as Flash, but is it more powerful than PowerPoint and much easier to learn than Flash is.

🍩 Our final assignment is that we have to do an e-learning courseware using SmartBuilder.

🍕 Here is the link for SmartBuilder if you want to try using it. You can download the software straight to your PC or laptop. And.... it's free ➣

🌸 For this app, you will need to apply some creativity by creating a 'hyperlink', this is where it uses trigger and action. 

If the mouse pointer click the button, it will take you to another page.

If the mouse pointer hovers at the button, then it will produce a sound or maybe change the picture.

🌵 Long story short, the SmartBuilder works just like attaching lego blocks together. It's colorful and organised. It may get a little confusing at first, but once you get used to it, it's kind of fun to do.

I think that's all for this post. I'll update more about SmartBuilder soon. See you in the next post.

Thanks for reading!

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Lesson 11 - Inserting Audio and Moving Images 🐙 🎶

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