💮Podcasts is a digital audio file that is made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or a mobile device, typically available as a series, in which it can be received by subscribers automatically.
💮Using podcast can boost a student's listening and speaking skills by listening to interesting topics and creating their own podcasts.
💮Podcasts can be listened in the web such as Soundcloud. It is a social sound platform where anyone can create or listen to sounds and share them for the public. Everyone can listen to various types of genre that have been listed such as music, storytelling, entertainment, education, religion and many more.
🌴 SoundCloud 🌴
🌵 It is quite simple to create a podcast. All you need are recording tools, notes or scripts, music or for background and an audio editor tool.
🌵Recording tools includes tape recorders, audio software, microphone or even a smartphone (built-in voice recorder)
🌵Music and sounds are essential to be inserted in a podcast. It makes the podcasts feel more realistic or alive.
🌵Audio editing tools allows people to edit and generate an audio data. Meaning it can help with cutting and attaching the audio, adding music and sounds, set the volume, removing unwanted sounds and etc. An example of an audio editing software is AUDACITY.
( It is free and easy to use. )
🌹Below is my SoundCloud link. Click it and it will go directly to my podcast.🌹
Thanks for reading!
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